Friday, November 23, 2018

CSS Links


There are four types of css links, they are
  1. Link
  2. Visited
  3. Hover
  4. Active

Thursday, November 22, 2018

CSS Buttons

CSS Buttons

CSS Buttons are divided into five types,they are
  1. Primary
  2. Warning
  3. Danger
  4. Success
  5. Info

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

CSS Icon code

CSS Icon code

To use the Font Awesome icons, add the following line inside the <head> section of your HTML page:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

CSS Box Shadow

CSS Box Shadow

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

CSS Text Shadow

CSS Text Shadow

CSS Text Shadow property contains 
  1. x-offset
  2. y-offset
  3. blur property
  4. color 

CSS Display Properties

CSS Display Properties

CSS Display properties are classified into three types, they are:
  1. display:block;
  2. display:inline;
  3. display:inline-block;

CSS Float Property

CSS Float Property

CSS Float has three properties, They are
  1. Float:left;
  2. Float:right;
  3. Float:None;

Monday, November 19, 2018



CSS is a Cascading style sheet which is applied to the HTML.

CSS Border Style

CSS Border Style

There are different types of CSS Border Styles in CSS. They are,
  1. None
  2. Dotted
  3. Dashed
  4. Solid
  5. Double
  6. Groove
  7. Ridge
  8. Inset
  9. Outset
  10. Dashed inset groove double

CSS Color Codes

CSS Color Codes

There are three types of CSS Color Codes, they are
  1. Color Name
  2. Hex Code
  3. RGB Color
These are some of the samples of CSS Color Codes.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Classification of CSS

Classification of CSS

CSS Classified into CSS1, CSS2 and CSS3, CSS1 Contains psuedo classes, font properties, text properties, box properties. CSS2 Contains Box model, Media Types, Selectors, visual effects, tables, paged media. CSS3 Contains Transforms, Web Animations, Flexible layout, Multi-column, Media Queies, Style Attributes. For more info visit W3SCHOOLS

History of CSS

History of CSS

CSS1 was proposed in 1996, CSS2 was proposed in 1998 and CSS3 was proposed in 2005.

Properties of CSS

Properties of CSS

Naturally, CSS is a Cascaded Style Sheet which is used to decorate HTML document by using some properties like Background-image, border, margin, padding, font-weight, color, font-family.
For more info visit W3SCHOOLS

Types of CSS

There are three types of CSS, they are Internal CSS, Inline CSS, External CSS.

Friday, November 16, 2018

HTML Classy Expression

HTML Classy Expression

HTML Classy Expression, i.e., this could be better to understood.

HTML5 Strucuture

HTML5 Strucuture

HTML5 structure defines Doctype html which indicates that we are using HTML5.

Box-Model in HTML

Box-Model in HTML

Box-Model in HTML Consists of Margin, Padding, Border.

HTML Meaning

In Depth Meaning of HTML

Types of HTML Tags

Types of HTML Tags

There are two types of tags in HTML, they are Container Tags and Non-Container Tags.

First HTML Program

First HTML Program

First ever HTML Program, please try this.

Difference in Header Tags

Difference in Header Tags

The above shown figure is the clear example of Difference in header tags.

Graphical Overview of HTML Syntax

Graphical Overview of HTML Syntax

This is the Graphical overview of HTML Syntax and it consists of Attribute name, value, tag open, tag close.

Basic HTML Tags with Explanation

Basic HTML Tags with Explanation

These are the basic HTML Tags which is commonly used in HTML by Developers.

HTML Formatting Elements

HTML Formatting Elements

There are many HTML Formatting elements like bold, strong, italic, smaller, emphasized, subscript, superscript, inserted, deleted, marked shows the specialness in HTML.

History of HTML

HTML History by StudyMantra

Thursday, November 15, 2018

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Introduction to HTML

Html is a Hyper Text Markup Language which is used to create Web pages or Website. In 1990, Tim Berner's Lee created the HTML language in European Laboratory in Switzerland. Html is not a programming language. HTML is a simple language to learn.